C.A. Ratan Moondra

- B.Sc., F.C.A.
- ratan@sezindia.co.in
- +91 9322825240
- 020 2067916565
- 502
Office Contact
Office Extention
The first step of success is courage to think big and last step is to manage the same with no excuse for limited resources
Professional Experience
More than 19 years of rich experience in SEZ Consultancy services, STPI, EOU, Direct and Indirect tax advisory. Founder Director of the Company M/s. Moon SEZ Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Who has associated as SEZ Consultants credentials such as MADC(Mihan Project,MIDC,Hiranandani,Raheja,Kumar,Ajanta,Arshiya FTWZ,Modern,Patel Enginnering,GHB Jewellery,Veritas,Redi Port Ltd.,Vascon,Piapava Shipyard,Akruti Group,Crisil,Tata Automative Ltd. etc.
At Moonsez Consultants
More than 19 years of rich experience in SEZ Consultancy services, STPI, EOU, Direct and Indirect tax advisory. Founder Director of the Company M/s. Moon SEZ Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Who has associated as SEZ Consultants credentials such as MADC(Mihan Project,MIDC,Hiranandani,Raheja,Kumar,Ajanta,Arshiya FTWZ,Modern,Patel Enginnering,GHB Jewellery,Veritas,Redi Port Ltd.,Vascon,Piapava Shipyard,Akruti Group,Crisil,Tata Automative Ltd. etc.